My last week was filled with realisations & great questions for what I am creating for my future self. I hope the questions below help you find some answers too!
Have a nice read!
Learning & Questions for the week:
Eat & Run - Scott Jurek
This book is an AWESOME read even if you don’t run, even if you are not a vegan. I love it because it goes about in the exact same manner I like writing things. I share my experiences, my stories, but never try to impose them on anyone else and that’s exactly what this book does. Quick, short read. Pick it up already! Here are some questions for the week for you to ponder upon:
1) “All the whys in the universe hadn’t granted me peace or given me answers. But the asking—and the doing—had created something in me, something strong.”
Here’s the thing, I know we all fall prey to overthinking. Whether it is our dreams, our goals, our responsibilities etc. From experience I realise that most of the questions I asked myself gave me more questions than answers. But taking action, doing something, led to more clarity. Action inspires action.
What have you always wanted to do but have ended up only thinking about it for ages? How are you taking action towards it?2) “Whether you get what you want isn’t what defines you. It’s how you go about your business”
If you take care of the preparation, the process, what you want will eventually follow. This is the oldest advice in the world, and yet we attach ourselves to the outcomes & not to how we get there. If you had to define who you are and all that you’ve accomplished in 100 words, what would you say?3) “We all have our own path. The trick is to find it.”
Your path, your life, your dreams may be drastically different than mine. But they’re yours. It is important to keep creating your own path, even if you take a few wrong turns on it. What are you doing that is truly yours? What path are you creating for yourself?
I would love to have a conversation with you about everything above.
DM me on Twitter or IG!
What are you reading? Drop in suggestions!
Mental Wellbeing tip for the week:
Be kind to yourself and stop judging your path, whether good or bad. Look ahead and focus on creating what you want. Whoever needs to catch up with you, will do.
The Hill of Acropolis & Good Conversations
In the November of 2018 I travelled to Prague, Budapest & Athens - memorable destinations, all of them! I was travelling alone (which I love doing). Reading the book Eat & Run reminded me of my time in Greece.
I was not in the best state of mind when I went here. I couldn’t actually go and see the Acropolis in the day time. In fact, I didn’t get to see much in Athens. But we walked up this hill to just sit there and look at this beautiful monument on one side and the city of Athens on the other.
I guess a couple of friends, some delicious food and just some wonderful conversations are more than enough to make any place worth remembering.
Acknowledge Progress, Celebrate the Process
Let me take this space to say STOP judging yourself if you aren’t actively engaged in a physical routine or a fad “diet”. You do you!
PS.: My updates aren’t polished to look perfect. You’ll see me fail. I hope you stick by anyway!
My reflection for the week:
If you remember, I set a milestone for myself that I wanted to run 10km under 60 mins by my birthday (which is still 1 day away). It wasn’t just a goal. I wanted to give myself a birthday gift of progress.
I went for a practice 10km run this week to check how far I’ve come & this happened:
I ended up achieving what I wanted to a week before when I wanted to.
But most importantly, I felt excited to still wake up next morning and go run again!
Milestones are just markers on your journey of growth. Let them come & go.
Your growth & milestones should always be ahead of you, not behind you.
What milestones have you set for yourself? How are you helping yourself grow to get there? DM me on Twitter or IG!
Snippets from my personal thought journal
I came across a profile on twitter who creates very similar content as me and it felt so great to see everything she posts. I feel happy to be able to come across like-minded people who are doing such great things! It was surely a highlight of the week for me.
What was your highlight of the week?
I was invited to be on a panel talking about the future for youth in the country - “Reimagine Tomorrow, the Youth Way”. It was organised by AIESEC in Kolkata and I had the privilege to have a wonderful discussion & share my views with 250+ people along with this amazing panel consisting of an entrepreneur, a sportsperson, a mental health & life coach, a politician and myself. I feel grateful to be able to share my views with such a great audience!
What were you grateful for in this past week? I urge you to express it.
Thank you for reading & talk to you next Sunday!
In the meantime if you like this, show some love & tell your friends! ♥️